Thursday, March 5, 2020

English Phrases with Blue in them - Learn English with Harry ??

English Phrases with Blue in them - Learn English with Harry ?? They say that the third Monday in January is the most depressing day of the year! Here are some  English phrases with BLUE in them.   Yes, they really do say that on the third  Monday in January people are more likely  to feel blue  (to feel depressed, to feel down)  due to the fact that  (because) the  Christmas and New Year holidays are well and truly (completely) over. We have returned to work,  we have nothing to look forward to in the short term  (in the near future) AND you still have to wait  approximately  (about) two weeks to get paid! English Idioms with Blue Enjoyed this infographic? Here's what you can do next: You can add to this quite long list the fact that you are probably in debt  (owe a lot of money on your  credit card) you have to return those presents you did not really like. And yes, the bills you did not pay  before Christmas really have to be paid now. Ugh  (terrible). So there are many reasons for feeling  down  (depressed or sad) on a Monday particularly in January but do not worry by the time you read  this, January will be a distant memory  (almost forgotten) I hope! English Phrases with Blue in Them 1. MONDAY BLUES  that terrible feeling when you switch off the alarm on a Monday morning and  realise the weekend is overMost Mondays are depressing in some way. That is why we refer to it generally as the Monday  Morning Blues.  ex.  Most of employees feel less motivated and  always have Monday blues.2. (HAVE) BLUE BLOOD  we can use this expression when we refer to aristocrats (people perhaps from a wealthy  background or from a monarchy).ex.    He left everyone in a belief that  he was of a blue blood.3. BLUE CHIP STOCKS  reliable safe investments.When  we make investments we often try to invest in  blue chip stocks.  So if  we want to take a risk but not a big risk then blue chip stocks (Coca Cola or BP or Proctor Gamble) are often recommended.ex. One of the reasons to start investing  in blue chip stocks  is because of the income, or dividends they pay out.4. TILL IM BLUE IN THE FACEThis is used to describe a certain amount of frustration or annoyance when you did or had to do something many times.ex. If she thought she was in the right shed argue  till she was blue in the face. English Idioms with Blue Enjoyed this infographic? Here's what you can do next: 5. RUNNING AROUND LIKE A BLUE ARSED FLYThe fly it refers to is the  blue  bottle, a big horrible fly that buzzes around your room until you either kill it or it escapes. We use this  expression  to say that we are/were very busy doing lots of different things in a short space of time.  ex. I had a really terrible day.  I was running around like a  blue  arsed fly  all morning trying to get that meeting organised and then at the end of the day the bosses just cancelled it.  6. THE BLUE RINSE BRIGADE  not such a polite phrase that refers to a group of women of a certain age who dye their grey hair a  blue or  purple colour.  ex. For our holiday last year we managed to have picked a town that was full of retired people so it was very quiet. The restaurants and bars were full of old retired women. I felt like part of  the  blue  rinse brigade. They actually turned out to be a lot of fun, singing and dancing!!  7. OUT OF THE BLUE  This  expression  is used to describe something that happe ned or occurs unexpectedly and definitely not planned.  ex. I hadnt heard a word from my brother for months. I thought he had forgotten all about me.  Then out of the  blue  he called to say he was in town and wanted to meet up.  8. ONCE IN A BLUE MOONA very rare occurrence. The moon as we all know is (or it appears to us) white in the sky at night. Very occasionally it appears to change colour due to some activity in the atmosphere.  ex. A husband and wife were arguing about the household duties or chores (housework).  WIFE:   You never do anything around the house. You never help with the washing up or offer to do the ironing.  HUSBAND: Thats not true. I put the rubbish bins out last week and I ironed my shirt on Saturday!  WIFE: Yes, once in a  blue  moon but usually I do all the ironing! 9. LIKE A BOLT FROM THE BLUE  This  expression  is usually used to refer to news, mostly bad news, that you get unexpectedly.  ex. I was working as I always then  like a bolt from the  blue  my boss asked to see me and told me I was being made redundant. It turns out that the company was losing money and 10 of us had to go.    10. TO GO OFF INTO THE BLUE  to go away suddenly, to disappear, to vanish  ex.  My wife ordered a pizza which was delivered immediately but my order  went off into the blue.  The next time you wake up on a Monday with that Monday Blue feeling  remember, it is only a day of  24 hours like every other day and perhaps not so bad after all. So I hope your Mondays continue to  be short and your coffee strong! New English Vocabulary Words to feel blue to feel sad, to feel down, to be depresseddue to the fact becausewell and truly completelyin the short term in the near futureto be in debt to owe a lot of money usually on your  credit cardapproximately aboutugh terribleto feel down to feel depressed or saddistant memory almost forgottenchores housework

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